Hi, this is Himadri. I’m a self taught programmer and a digital artist. You might have arrived here from my YouTube channel or my open source work. I’m doing a bachelors in data science at IITM.

I’m decent with programming languages like C and Java, the latter of which was taught in school. I’m great at writing Golang and Rust. I render my YouTube videos with Python and the manim framework, so I’d argue I’m competent at it as well.

I have been daily driving various Linux distributions since 2016. For the past few years, I have settled with NixOS. It is stable enough, incredibly versatile and lets me declaratively configure all my setups.

Most of my work is open source and under the public domain. If you find value in them, consider contributing to them or donating.

Thank you to all the institutions and non-profit organizations such as Khan Academy, who provide OpenCourseWare and make education accessible.


Petty things recruiters seem to care about.

Google Summer of Code 2024

TryHackMe Advent Of Cyber 2020 Certificate

TryHackMe Advent Of Cyber 2021 Certificate

Harvard CS50 2022 Certificate

Harvard CS50 AI 2022 Certificate

Intro to Deep Learning Kaggle Certificate

Intro to Machine Learning Kaggle Certificate

Intermediate Machine Learning Kaggle Certificate

Intro to Game AI and Reinforcement Learning

Send me a private message

You can send me a private message by encrypting it with my public SSH keys and mailing it to 107522312+lavafroth@users.noreply.github.com.