Key takeaways

  • This issue only pertains to secureboot on NixOS using lanzaboote. Most Linux users have secureboot disabled. If you are paranoid like me and have enabled it, continue reading.
  • Make sure to track the latest version of lanzaboote. (example)
  • Set the PKI bundle location to the newer sbctl default. (example)

Deprecated overrideScope'

For the past few months, I started noticing this new warning when rebuilding my system with nixos-rebuild.

warning: `overrideScope'` will be deprecated soon

I thought nothing of it since NixOS sometimes has these small spans of time when things are being migrated.

A couple days ago, I bumped my flake with nix flake update and this somewhat longstanding warning turned into and error.

error: attribute 'overrideScope'' missing

After a bit of digging around I discovered that the problem was caused due the out-of-date crane dependency required for lanzaboote, the Rust utility for the secure boot shim1. After looking through this issue on github as well as the lanzaboote repository, it dawned on me that I had been using a version of lanzaboote released even before July this year.

This meant I had to update the version in my flake.nix inputs like so

     lanzaboote = {
-      url = "github:nix-community/lanzaboote/v0.3.0";
+      url = "github:nix-community/lanzaboote/v0.4.1";
       inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

With that, I ran another nix flake update and enqueued my system for a rebuild. I deleted a few entries from /boot/EFI/nixos because the new release uses double the scratch space as needed by the previous version. Also, I had around 16 older generations of my setup for the sake of posteriety.

Where is the PKI Bundle?

The rebuild led to yet another error, this time concerning a nonexistent path.

Installing Lanzaboote to "/boot"...
Failed to install generation 303: Get stub name: No such file or directory (os error 2)
Failed to install bootloader
warning: error(s) occurred while switching to the new configuration

The hardest part of debugging this was to know what program was causing this issue and what path it was looking for. Fortunately, we can use strace to see what system calls are being made by nixos-rebuild. We also add the -f flag to follow the system calls of child processes.

sudo strace -f nixos-rebuild boot --flake /home/h/Public/dotfiles#cafe

From the obscenely long logs which I will spare you from reading, one could observe that the secureboot key management tool sbctl looks for the path /var/lib/sbctl. This correlates with this issue and this commit confirming that sbctl has switched the default public key infrastructure bundle (pkiBundle) location to /var/lib/sbctl.

I finally solved the issue by setting the respective parameter in my config.

boot.lanzaboote = {
  enable = true;
  pkiBundle = "/var/lib/sbctl";

I recommend performing garbage collection on your system before queueing another rebuild because the last error causes you to land in a generation that is unavailable in the systemd-boot menu.

Honestly, I think this whole issue would have been much easier to resolve if sbctl spelled out the path it was looking for in the error message.

Anyways, that’s all for today, hope this helps!

  1. I have two NixOS outputs defined for my work setup, one with secureboot and another without. See my system config here↩︎